Tathion Tab (Korea)
30 Tablet
Rp. 100.000
Recommended dosage (for Asia People/Japan Formula / dosis untuk orang Indonesia, juga anjuran Dokter) adalah :
*2x sehari (1 tablet setelah makan pagi, 1 tablet sebelum tidur malam)
* Sertai dengan mengkonsumsi vit. C 1000 mg, untuk hasil yang lebih sempurna
Manfaat :
* Membuat kulit tampak lebih cerah, halus dan lembut
* Memperlambat penuaan, sehingga tampak lebih muda
* Mengurangi spot-spot hitam / flex & melasma
* Tidak membuat kulit kemerahan seperti habis di peeling
* Mengurangi pembentukan melamin
* Mengurangi penampakan scar, Strecthmark
* Mengurangi Jerawat
* Mengecilkan pori-pori wajah
* Anti Oxidant super yang bisa meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh
"Tathion is a compound, the level in which it is present in the cells of the body determines how long a person may live." Earl Mindell, R.Ph.,Ph.D, “What You Should Know about the Super Antioxidant Miracle”
"Without tathion, other antioxidants such as vitamin C and E will not be able to do their jobs to protect the body against diseases." Allan Somersall, Ph.D.,M.D., dan Gustavo Bounous, M.D. FRCS (C) “Breakthrough in Cell Defense”
"There is no antioxidant more important than tathion. It is the regulator of immune cells and the body’s most important detoxification agent." Lorna R.Vanderhaeghe & Patrick J.D. Bouic, Ph.D “ The Immune System Cure”
"Those who lived beyond 100 years of age were found to have higher levels of tathion than normal. The levels of tathion in the body should be the first on the list of things to be accomplished if you want to live longer." Ivy Greenwell “ The Antioxidant Network, A brief review of "The Antioxidant Miracle," oleh Lester Packer, Ph.D. dan Carol Colman
Action: Acute / chronic hepatitis
Dyscrasia: Drug addiction and alcoholism
Each tablet contains :
* reduced glutathione 50mg
* molecule formular: C10H17N2O6S
* molecule weight: 307.33
* non-propietary name: L-glu,reduced
* chemical terms: γ-L-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-glycine
White-sugar coating tablet containing Glutathione, reduced. Dissolves well in water, forming white or light gray of crystal powder and has an acid taste.
Side effects
1. Hyperergia : Rarely exanthema or hypersensitivity.
2. Alimentary system: Rarely anorexia, retching, vomiting, gastrodynia or dyspepsia.
Thation from korea
idr: 850r
isi 500 tablet
contain: gluthation 50mg
dosis: 3 sehari 2 tablet
Melson whitening tablet
origin: japan
isi: 500 tab
idr: 750.000
contains: gluthation 100mg
dosis: 3 x sehari 1 tablet
30 Tablet
Rp. 100.000
Recommended dosage (for Asia People/Japan Formula / dosis untuk orang Indonesia, juga anjuran Dokter) adalah :
*2x sehari (1 tablet setelah makan pagi, 1 tablet sebelum tidur malam)
* Sertai dengan mengkonsumsi vit. C 1000 mg, untuk hasil yang lebih sempurna
Manfaat :
* Membuat kulit tampak lebih cerah, halus dan lembut
* Memperlambat penuaan, sehingga tampak lebih muda
* Mengurangi spot-spot hitam / flex & melasma
* Tidak membuat kulit kemerahan seperti habis di peeling
* Mengurangi pembentukan melamin
* Mengurangi penampakan scar, Strecthmark
* Mengurangi Jerawat
* Mengecilkan pori-pori wajah
* Anti Oxidant super yang bisa meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh
"Tathion is a compound, the level in which it is present in the cells of the body determines how long a person may live." Earl Mindell, R.Ph.,Ph.D, “What You Should Know about the Super Antioxidant Miracle”
"Without tathion, other antioxidants such as vitamin C and E will not be able to do their jobs to protect the body against diseases." Allan Somersall, Ph.D.,M.D., dan Gustavo Bounous, M.D. FRCS (C) “Breakthrough in Cell Defense”
"There is no antioxidant more important than tathion. It is the regulator of immune cells and the body’s most important detoxification agent." Lorna R.Vanderhaeghe & Patrick J.D. Bouic, Ph.D “ The Immune System Cure”
"Those who lived beyond 100 years of age were found to have higher levels of tathion than normal. The levels of tathion in the body should be the first on the list of things to be accomplished if you want to live longer." Ivy Greenwell “ The Antioxidant Network, A brief review of "The Antioxidant Miracle," oleh Lester Packer, Ph.D. dan Carol Colman
Action: Acute / chronic hepatitis
Dyscrasia: Drug addiction and alcoholism
Each tablet contains :
* reduced glutathione 50mg
* molecule formular: C10H17N2O6S
* molecule weight: 307.33
* non-propietary name: L-glu,reduced
* chemical terms: γ-L-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-glycine
White-sugar coating tablet containing Glutathione, reduced. Dissolves well in water, forming white or light gray of crystal powder and has an acid taste.
Side effects
1. Hyperergia : Rarely exanthema or hypersensitivity.
2. Alimentary system: Rarely anorexia, retching, vomiting, gastrodynia or dyspepsia.
Thation from korea
idr: 850r
isi 500 tablet
contain: gluthation 50mg
dosis: 3 sehari 2 tablet
Melson whitening tablet
origin: japan
isi: 500 tab
idr: 750.000
contains: gluthation 100mg
dosis: 3 x sehari 1 tablet
Tathion merupakan antioksidan yang dapat menangkal radikal bebas, sering diberikan oleh Dokter Kulit untuk mencerahkan dan memutihkan kulit.
Fungi Tathion:
Mengeluarkan racun tubuh (detoks)
...Mengecilkan pori2
Mencerahkan dan memutihkan kulit
Mengempeskan dan meminimaliskan bekas jerawat
Awet muda
Mengurangi flek flek di kulit (baik tubuh atau wajah)
Memaksimalkan tubuh memproduksi collagen
Sebagai supplement kesehatan jangka panjang
Komposisi dari setiap tablet :
~ Mengurangi 50mg glutathione
~ Molekul Formular: C10H17N2O6S
~ Berat molekul: 307,33
~ Non-propietary nama: L-glutathione, dikurangi
~ Kimia istilah: γ-L-glutamil-L-cysteinyl-g lisin
Pemakaian terlihat selama pemakaian minimal 3 minggu atau sesuai Metabolisme badan kamu.. karena ada yang 2 minggu sudah terlihat
Fungi Tathion:
Mengeluarkan racun tubuh (detoks)
...Mengecilkan pori2
Mencerahkan dan memutihkan kulit
Mengempeskan dan meminimaliskan bekas jerawat
Awet muda
Mengurangi flek flek di kulit (baik tubuh atau wajah)
Memaksimalkan tubuh memproduksi collagen
Sebagai supplement kesehatan jangka panjang
Komposisi dari setiap tablet :
~ Mengurangi 50mg glutathione
~ Molekul Formular: C10H17N2O6S
~ Berat molekul: 307,33
~ Non-propietary nama: L-glutathione, dikurangi
~ Kimia istilah: γ-L-glutamil-L-cysteinyl-g
Pemakaian terlihat selama pemakaian minimal 3 minggu atau sesuai Metabolisme badan kamu.. karena ada yang 2 minggu sudah terlihat
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