Rabu, 02 Juni 2010


Miracle Rose- Embryo Nucleic Acid Tissue Liquid
IDR: 2.200.000

Produk ini berisi 55 jenis bahan aktif biologis penting bagi kehidupan,
lebih dari 30 jenis asam amino, berbagai vitamin dan elemen jejak.

Telah dibuktikan oleh percobaan medis yang baik embryos adalah efek terapeutik
tentang kekurangan dari qi dan darah, infertility, berkenaan dgn kandung hypoplsia, endoncrine kekacauan dan pigmen kulit perempuan, kemunduran dari fungsi seksual, ketidakmampuan laki-laki, berhubungan dgn cabang tenggorokan asma dan infeksi virus, serta dapat meningkatkan metabolisme, fisik dan fungsi kekebalan, melindungi terhadap virus , keterlambatan proses aging.
- The kiri kulit akan halus dan putih.
- Spot hilang.
- Keriput akan dihapus dan proses aging akan ditunda
- Defensif kapasitas dan kekebalan terhadap virus yang meningkat
- The vitalitas laki-laki akan segera dikembalikan.
- Resistance terhadap penyakit dan fungsi seksual akan ditingkatkan.
- The payudara perempuan akan diperbesar dan elastis
- Vaginal dinding tengah perempuan berusia jelas kontrak
- Haid akan normalized

Perlakuan kedua Course (24 amp dari suntikan dalam waktu 30-60 hari)

- Hematopiesis fungsi yang akan diaktifkan dan ginjal, qi dan darah akan tonified.
- The memperbaiki fungsi organ yang rusak akan diperbaiki secara efektif.
- Memory akan enchanced.
- Beberapa wanita di usia bersejarah Mei kembali haid dan terlihat beberapa tahun lebih muda.
- Setelah menggunakannya, baik suami dan istri Mei memperpanjang durasi untuk jimak.
- Recover vitalitas fisik dari fungsi dan merasa lebih muda dari dalam keluar.

Miracle Rose- Embryo Nucleic Acid Tissue Liquid

This product contains 55 kinds of biological active substances essential for life,
more than 30 kinds of amino acid, various vitamins and trace elements.It has been proved by medical experiments that embryos is of favorable therapeutic effect on deficiency of qi and blood, infertility, uterine hypoplsia, endoncrine disorder and skin pigment of women, deterioration of sexual function, impotence of men, bronchial asthma and virus infection, as well as can improve metabolism, physical functions and immunity, protect against virus, delay aging process.

Spesification :
This product is yellowish transparent liquid. 6 Ampoules @ 2ml

Ingredients :
Nucleic Acid
Nucleic Acid is the basic substance of cells, which plays an important role in the growth and proliferation of cells, especially cellular metabolism and repair after cell aging and damage.
Injecting 2ml nucleic acid may double the life of cells.

Amino Acid
Embryo Nucleic Acid fluid contains more than 20 kinds of amino acids including essential amino acids, which are the fundamental substance constituting proteins in cells.
Thus, it play an important role in the growth and development of teenagers and the health and longevity of middle-aged peoples.

Natural Embryo Immune Protein and Hormone
Embryo Nucleic Acid Fluid contains rich HCG, TSH, luteotropin, cholesterol hormone and antibodies, which are of significant afficiency on improving skin quality, restoring skin elasticity and luster and ameliorate the microcirculation in skin, especially on serious skin aging of women an climacteric period. it can improve sexual function, prevent the thinning of vaginal muscous membrane and the flab of sphincter vagina and treat endocrine disorder, irregular menstruation, wrinkles and pigment caused by syndrome.

Cell Growth Factor
Embryo contains rich epidermal growth factor, BFGF, PDGF, TGF, IGF and cell growth promoter.All of which may promote the growth and proliferation of the corressponding cells to activate the growth of skin cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells of vessels and smooth muscle cells.Furthermore, TGF can activate fibroblasts, inhibit horny cells in the surface of skin and significantly beautify skin and improve the metabolism of skin combining other Cell growth factor

Various Collagen and Nutrients
This product contains various collagen. Skin may experience aging process with age, when the collagen in the skin may be denatured with normal collagen decreased, resulting in the decrease of elasticity and flexibility of skin. By supplying normal collagen, the elasticity and flexibility can be restored.
The nutrients including sulfur compound, phospholipid, mucopolysaccharide, vitamins adn trace elements which play an important role in physical processes including metabolism and synthesis of protein.Embryo Nucleic Acid Fluid is a highly concentrated biological product using high tech ultra low temperature conforms to the ISO-9001 Quality Control Standard.
Using Embryo Nucleic Acid can generate anti-HBsAg, anti-syphilis, anti HIV-1 / HIV-2 and anti- GCV antibodies. The product is stable in quality, good in concentration and purity, free of side effects and contraindications, easy and safe for use

Efficiencies of Miracle Rose

First Treatment Course (12 amp of injections within 20-30 days)
  • The skin will be left fine and white.
  • Spots disappear
  • Wrinkles will be removed and the aging process will be postponed
  • Immunity and defensive capacity against virus are improved
  • The vitality of men will be quickly restored
  • Resistence against diseases and sexual function will be improved
  • The breast of women will be enlarged and elastic
  • Vaginal wall of middle aged women is obviously contracted
  • Menstruation will be normalized

Second Treatment Course (24 amp of injections within 30-60 days)
  • Hematopiesis function will be activated and kidney, qi and blood will be tonified
  • The repair function of damaged organs will be effectively improved
  • Memory will be enchanced
  • Some women in climacteric age may regain menstruation and look several years younger
  • After using it, both husband and wife may prolong the duration for sexual intercourse
  • Recover vitality of physical functions and feel younger from inside out.

12 ampoule for treatment course. For the best cosmetic or health promotion effect, use it for 3 treatment courses

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